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2022-03-11 17:14 点击量: 1205

2010年,成为樱花学院成员;并于次年发行首张团体专辑《message》。2012年,随樱花学院发行第二张专辑《FRIENDS》并毕业。2013年,凭借喜剧片《大家早上好!》获得第67届日本每日电影奖最佳新人奖;同年,还凭借青春片《出发的岛歌十五之春》获得第35届横滨电影节最佳新人奖 。

In 2010, he became a member of Cherry Blossom college and released his first group album message the following year. In 2012, she released her second album friends with Sakura college and graduated. In 2013, with the comedy "good morning! 》In the same year, he won the Best Newcomer Award in the 67th Japan daily Film Awards, and won the Best Newcomer Award in the 35th Yokohama Film Festival with the youth film "spring of the 15th Island song of departure".


2014年,出演了校园剧《麻辣教师GTO 2014》。2019年,担任周杰伦音乐录影带《说好不哭》的女主角。

In 2014, he acted in the campus drama "spicy teacher GTO 2014". In 2019, she was the heroine of Jay Chou's music video "say no cry".




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