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当前位置:首页 > 世界万象 > 联合国健艺美(UNB)文化产业总会主席团第二十五次扩大会议召开


2022-03-09 16:06 点击量: 1762

Leli (looking at the moon in Paris) works in the literary and artistic circles in North America

Lohe (Baihe) works for the Western European Federation of literary and Art Circles

Leli (Zhao Lili) works in the Australian music and dance industry

Lefang (Qi Fangzhong) is responsible for the work of world mother culture

Lewei (Weisong) overseas film and television work

Leff (Lev) film and television creation

Leli (Wang Yongli) education

Le Jing (Guan Jingge) art market work

Le erkuna, director of Group Liaison Department

Publicity department director Lefei (Liu Feifang) publicity work

General office director leshuang (Zhu enzhuang) daily work of government affairs

United Nations UNB Federation Standing Committee of the World Federation of literary and Art Circles


Mr. Niu Zhuo's wonderful speech:

Dear chairman Luo, Secretary General Tan, vice chairmen, chairmen of the association and elite artists, good evening!
