冰如水(乐心)的个人主页 茶行道 品沉浮 知进退 能舍得 一個人,能了解别人,慧眼識人,是聰明人,但能够認識自己、了解自己的人,才是真正有智慧的人。 生活,是一本教科書,很多時候,我們身邊的環境,并不如我們所願。在困境中,更需要學會欣賞自己,相信自己,肯定自己,鼓勵自己。 這樣,你就會發現,生活原本如此美好,天空原本如此晴朗,需要改變的,不是我們身邊的環境,而是我們的心態。A man, who understanding other people, is a wise person, but he who knows himself and knows his own what really he wants is a truly intelligent person. Life is a textbook, many times, our surroundings are not as good as we wish. In a difficult situation, it is more necessary to learn to appreciate yourself, to believe in yourself, to be sure, to encourage In this way, you will find that life is so beautiful and that the sky is so clear that it needs to change, not the environment of our side, but our mentality. Thanks Tai Wan friends sharing Paradise series - yīng flowers 💐
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2018-04-17 09:06 点击量: 566

中国文化部中国文化信息协会《大国商道》编委会专访经过核修订校正式收录其中了《勇敢的前行者---天津如水文化传播有限公司创始人/总经理:张术丰专访》 在此非常荣幸感谢大家了!相信很快就会面世正式出版发行!非常荣幸感谢组委会呕心沥血 辛勤付出!


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