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2022-02-25 15:19 点击量: 5509



Palau: a Palau girl with fat as beauty


After hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, human society has finally entered the modern society. Now most ethnic groups have entered the civilized society. However, the evolution of ethnic groups scattered in all corners of the world is not synchronous. Therefore, in the process of human development, there are a kaleidoscope of customs and customs, It is precisely because of these contents that the world has become more colorful.



China is an ancient civilization with a long history. In the process of human historical development, it has experienced a long matriarchal society, which is an inevitable process of human historical evolution, but this matriarchal society has long become our long history. Although I have the concept of matriarchal society in my mind, if I really enter such an environment, I still have the feeling that I have entered the ancient times.


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