亚洲书画工作者协会 Asian book and painting association 梦想起航
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当前位置:首页 > 世界万象 > 大型网络剧《艺恋人的故事》人物篇之76号 高步明

大型网络剧《艺恋人的故事》人物篇之76号 高步明

2022-07-16 14:47 点击量: 1936


The editorial board will also select the fourth batch of performers from the applicants. The recruitment notice is as follows:


All members of the United Nations General Association of jianyimei cultural industry (UNB) and the World Federation of cultural and art circles can apply to participate in the online drama let love go home. The way of participation is to compile personal artistic life into scripts or videos, which are collected and sorted by the crew. Finally, they are edited into the online drama, which is jointly published by UNB and the World Federation of cultural and art circles and promoted at home and abroad.
