朴敏智(???/Park Min Ji),韩国女演员、模特。
Park Minzhi, Korean actress and model.
Born on July 22, 1989, park Minzhi often photographed pictorial for magazines during her study. Her pure image like a girl next door left a deep impression.
在电影《珍妮和朱诺》中她饰演未婚先孕的少女珍妮,可爱、野蛮、清新的人物风格与角色完全贴合,受到了观众的关注和喜爱,被称作是“韩国电影界的文根英” 。
In the film "Jennie and Juno", she plays a young girl who is pregnant before marriage. Her lovely, savage and fresh character style fully fits the role, which attracts the attention and love of the audience. She is known as "Wen Geng Ying of Korean film industry".