寒思 Han Thi,著名模特。
Hans Han thi, famous model.
1992年1月4日,寒思出生于缅甸仰光。外号“蓝翡翠”身材高挑是标准的九头身,Han Thi长相甜美,待人也很亲和,在缅甸非常有名,不仅如此,Han Thi在国际选美上也有一定的知名度。
Hans was born in Rangoon, Myanmar on January 4, 1992. The nickname "blue jadeite" is tall and tall. It is a standard nine head body. Han thi is sweet and friendly. It is very famous in Myanmar. Moreover, Han thi has a certain popularity in international beauty pageants.
Han Thi身高174,在模特中其实不算特别高,但是Han Thi身材比例非常好,腿长一米八的既视感,完美的身材比例让Han Thi成为缅甸模特圈与各大杂志的宠儿。
Han thi is 174 in height, which is not particularly tall among the models. However, Han thi has a very good proportion of figure. His legs are 1.8 meters long. His perfect figure ratio makes him a favorite of Myanmar model circle and major magazines.